Player League Standings

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Number Rank Player Times Played Total Points Avg. Gross Low Gross
1 1 Jenna Sutcliffe 6 135.00 83.3 74.0
2 2 Sophia Salter 6 125.00 81.7 77.0
3 3 Kyleigh Moran 3 55.00 84.3 77.0
4 4 Jayden Bormann 3 45.00 88.3 83.0
5 5 Madelynne Otta 6 40.00 91.0 82.0
6 6 Natalie Poppens 2 30.00 86.5 84.0
7 T7 Jordan Glanzer 2 25.00 96.0 93.0
8 T7 Brooke Piearson 1 25.00 76.0 76.0
9 9 Halle Gronlund 2 20.00 86.5 86.0
10 10 Kelsey Gustaf 3 15.00 96.0 89.0
11 11 Sophie Jansa 1 10.00 82.0 82.0
12 T12 Taylor Davis 1 0.00 92.0 92.0
13 T12 Annabelle Simpson 2 0.00 92.0 91.0
Totals:   525.00